Share Satisfaction Releases 'Eyden' Line to Help Pelvic Floor Issues

XBIZ, February 2023

WELLINGTON, New Zealand — Share Satisfaction has introduced its new Eyden collection of products that are designed to treat pelvic floor issues in people with uteruses.

The New Zealand sexual wellness brand developed Eyden by consulting pelvic health physiotherapists.

The Eyden collection, consisting of Kegel and dilator kits, was designed “to help improve bladder and bowel control, reduce the risk of prolapse, assist with rehabilitation post-cancer treatment, increase sexual sensation, and enhance sexual and physical well-being,” a rep explained.

Share Satisfaction’s Taslim Parsons said, “We’re incredibly pleased to be the first New Zealand company to launch a bespoke range of products aimed at helping people with a whole range of pelvic floor complaints, from postpartum women to those with painful conditions like vaginismus.

“You can’t separate sexual health — which includes pelvic floor health — from your overall wellbeing,” said Parsons. “Even in 2023, sexual wellness and pelvic health just aren’t talked about enough, so we’re on a mission to change that.”

According to the company, 46% of New Zealand women will experience a pelvic health issue in their life; one in three women will experience urinary incontinence; and one in five will experience pain during sex.

“Working in the sexual wellness industry means I hear a lot of stories from friends and customers about their experiences with pelvic floor issues, and it got me thinking about how ridiculous it is that no one mentions your pelvic floor and how to strengthen those muscles until after you're pregnant,” Parsons noted.


Taslim Parsons' passion 'There shouldn't be any shame around sex'


Common, but not normal: Pelvic floor issues tackled by Kiwi company - Share Satisfaction