EAN Monthly Mayhem featuring our founder, Taslim Parsons

EAN Magazine, June 2022

Believe it or not, this Monthly Mayhem is the first to feature an industry member from New Zealand. Facing our barrage of questions is Taslim Parsons, who is the Business Development Manager of distribution company Wholesale Solutions and a driving force behind one of New Zealand’s best-selling sex toy brands, Share Satisfaction.

EAN Magazine Monthly Mayhem Q&A with Taslim Parsons, Wholesale Solutions Business Development Manager, Wellington New Zealand who is behind one of New Zealand’s best-selling sex toy brands, Share Satisfaction.

How would you describe the sex toy market in New Zealand in a nutshell?

Taslim Parsons: I guess it’s probably very similar to Europe. Kiwis are pretty open-minded and the sex toy market in New Zealand is still faring reasonably well despite the economic challenges. I love working in the industry – it’s so fun and vibrant!

What was your childhood ambition?

Taslim Parsons: I wanted to be a professional footballer or an actress. I played and acted as a youngster and loved it. I’ve been in sales and marketing most of my career, and I wouldn’t change that though. I love what I do.

How did you get into the industry?

Taslim Parsons: I actually saw my current job advertised a year before I got the role. I was working at a charity at the time and didn’t apply. But a year later I saw the job readvertised again, so I applied, got it, and I haven’t looked back since!

If you weren’t in this industry, what would you be doing now?

Taslim Parsons: I’m not sure really… I suspect I’d still be working in the charity sector. I used to pull together partnerships between corporates and charities and it was really fulfilling work. Now I’m helping people to enhance their sex lives which feels just as good!

What was the biggest step in your career?

Taslim Parsons: In my mid 20s I was given the opportunity to become managing director of a design company. It was a massive learning curve for me, but those lessons have been invaluable in the rest of my career.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years’ time?

Taslim Parsons: Gosh 10 years is a long time! I have no idea, but as long as I’m doing something I love and get to travel and meet amazing people I’ll be happy.

How do you envision the future of the industry?

Taslim Parsons: It’s becoming more and more mainstream, especially with more non adult retailers selling adult toys. In the future, I think that toys will evolve and become more customisable by the user.

What is your idea of a perfect working day?

Taslim Parsons: Meeting with my retailers, getting creative, and launching new products. I get such a buzz from those things and it really makes my day.

How do you relax after work?

Taslim Parsons: Normally with a glass of wine, hanging out in my kitchen cooking and listening to my children talk about their day. Or I go to Zumba and shake it off!

Who would you consider to be your role model and why?

Taslim Parsons: There are so many to choose from! I’ve been very fortunate to have worked with some incredible people. One who really stands out for me is an amazing woman called Claire who I worked for in my 20s and 30s. She was a boss babe and oozed positivity. She was incredibly smart and showed me the power of tenacity and positive thinking. She was also one of the kindest managers I’ve ever worked with.

Imagine you have been asked to award a medal to someone. Who’s the lucky winner?

Taslim Parsons: My best friend. She’s been my cheerleader forever. She gives such sound advice and is always there to help me.

Which personal success are you proud of?

Taslim Parsons: My children make me very proud. Also having the guts to move to New Zealand from the UK 20 years ago and making a successful happy life here, filled with amazing people and a fantastic community.

What do you particularly like about yourself?

Taslim Parsons: Ha! I like that I’m tenacious. I’m loyal, and the fact that I’m great at building business relationships.

Which vice could you never forgive?

Taslim Parsons: I don’t know, really. I think people do things for varying reasons. Without knowing the reason someone has done something you can’t judge. That said, smoking is pretty gross! (ex-smoker here).

What song do you sing in the shower?

Taslim Parsons: All the songs! I always have music playing. Invariably it’s either some soul or something 80s.

Who would you never ever like to see naked?

Taslim Parsons: Donald Trump.

With whom would you like to go to the cinema and what film would you watch?

Taslim Parsons: My husband. We love the movies. Currently I’m keen to see Top Gun Maverick.

You have a month’s holiday. Where do you go?

Taslim Parsons: Probably Fiji, I love it there. Or I’d travel through Africa for a month.

Which three things would you take with you to a deserted island?

Taslim Parsons: Share Satisfaction Kama, my music, and moisturiser.

If you could swap lives with somebody for a day, who would it be?

Taslim Parsons: I can’t think of anyone that I want to swap lives with. I love my life. I’m happy. Maybe Elon when he’s going up in that rocket, just to see what it’s like!

Is there anything you would never do again?

Taslim Parsons: Yes, smoke.

Do you have some good advice you want to share with our readers?

Taslim Parsons: Be true to yourself. Be honest in your business and have integrity in your dealings. It goes a long way. Have fun in the work you do. You’re at work a long time, so if you don’t love it, find something that you do love.


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